Maximus revealed who he was when Commodus demanded that he say his name, and he swore vengeance on him. He was played by Russell Crowe in the 2000 film Gladiator. The crowd shouted to Commodus to let Maximus live, and the Praetorians spared him. Maximus Decimus Meridius was born in 144 in Turgalium, Hispania, Roman Empire (Now Trujillo, Caceres, Spain) to a Hispano-Roman family. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A germániai hadjárat végsÅ csatája után Marcus Aurelius felkéri, hogy legyen Róma megbízott uralkodója és állítsa vissza a Szenátus hatalmát. con introduzione di Ridley Scott e commento audio, Le pergamene della conoscenza contenuti interattivi. Commodus stood in shock, after believing Maximus was dead, and let the Gladiators live after the crowd began to cheer Maximus' name. Discover and share Maximus Decimus Meridius Quotes. Maximus definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. However, this news did not bode well with Marcus Aurelius' jealous and malevolent son Commodus, who suffocated his father to death. In 192, he finally had the opportunity to avenge his deceased lord as well as his wife and son, and he killed Commodus, although he died of his wounds. Germain Maximilian Pinochet is on Facebook. Maximus Decimus Meridius, the main character in Ridley Scott's film, Gladiator; Maximus Mayhem, an antagonist from the animated show M.A.S.K. Maximus regus nigus Maximus decimus meridius Maximus decimus regus. Maximus was one of the gladiators of Proximo that was supposed to portray a soldier of Carthage in a reenactment of the Battle of Zama, but his military skills turned the tide of the reenactment and he slaughtered all of the "Romans". Maximus escaped the execution, killing the executioner and the Praetorian Guard legionnaires that tried to stop him. Occupation Maximus continued to do so until Proximo offered him to go to Rome to fight in the Colosseum. Maximus was offered the title of Caesar by Marcus, who knew that Commodus was too weak to rule Rome. gladiateur Est ce que rome vaut la vie d'un homme de bien ? Proximo, a former gladiator who was now a trainer of gladiators, rounded up several strong men to die for him so that he could make money off of their competitions. 153 likes. Career information 1 talking about this. General (formerly) However, Maximus slowly succumbed to his wounds, seeing visions of the Elysian Fields and his reunification with his wife and son. Amíg ezen gondolkodik, a császár fia, Commodus megöli apját, így Å lesz a császár. In 180, he conquered the last barbarian stronghold after a fierce battle, and at the celebrations, Marcus Aurelius met him in private. Stabbed in the abdomen Quiz Gladiator : Quizz sur l'un des plus grands oeuvres de l'histoire du cinéma : Gladiator - Q1: Qui est le réalisateur de Gladiator ? Maximus was held in prison, where Commodus' sister Lucilla (who had affection for Maximus) told him that he should meet a senator friend of hers, Senator Gracchus, who could help him overthrow Commodus. Maximus: My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. 179 likes. Affiliations Biographical Information However, he agreed to do the old man a favor, and he agreed to lead Rome when the time was right. Maximus Decimus Meridius Maximus Decimus Meridius is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the 2000 epic historical filmGladiator. Maximus overpowered him and pushed Commodus' dagger into his neck, killing him. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Rank Join Facebook to connect with Germain Maximilian Pinochet and others you may know. Trainer lessicale, tabelle di coniugazione verbi, funzione di pronuncia gratis. Quel était le vrai nom de maximus ? Sein einziger Sohn Commodus (Joaquin Phönix) erscheint ihm zu wenig mutig und moralisch - er hat stattdessen seinen Feldherrn General Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell Crowe) im Kopf, der soll in Rom wieder für Ruhe sorgen, die diktarorischen Tendenzen beseitigen und dem Senat - also dem Volk - die Macht zurückgeben. Maximus Decimus Meridius Maximus Decimus Meridius was born in 144 in Turgalium, Hispania, Roman Empire (Now Trujillo, Caceres, Spain) to a Hispano-Roman family. "the Spaniard" Maximus was thrown into the arena with several Tigers and Tigris. con commento audio, versione estesa (170 min.) How dare you to show your back to me.. slave, remove your helmet and tell your name to me.. ⥠192 Rome, Italia, Roman Empire(aged 48) Sein einziger Sohn Commodus (Joaquin Phönix) erscheint ihm zu wenig mutig und moralisch - er hat stattdessen seinen Feldherrn General Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell Crowe) im Kopf, der soll in Rom wieder für Ruhe sorgen, die diktarorischen Tendenzen beseitigen und dem Senat - also dem Volk - die Macht zurückgeben. Maximus left the arena and was greeted by his loyal servant Cicero. However, during the fight Maximus disarmed Commodus, who asked his guards for a sword. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. Before the match, Commodus stabbed him in the back mortally and covered his wound with his armor, cheating. Lucilla met up with Maximus in secret, trying to get the gladiator to meet with Senator Gracchus in attempt to overthrow Commodus. He was played by Russell Crowe, who is widely known for portraying Jor-El and Bud White. Maximus and his subordinate Quintus defeated the Barbarians in a battle. Born He accepted the post, but Commodus killed his Father in secret and later became the Emperor. He eventually killed Commodus, but died shortly after. He rode all the way to his home in Spain, only to find his wife and son dead. Maximus and the gladiators defended the estate with their lives, fending off the Praetorians as Maximus attempted ride to Ostia. Maximus Decimus Meridius. Commander of the Cats of the GC, General of the Felix lions cubs and servant to the true emperor, Nicholas Aurelious! He had a farm where his son and wife lived. Commandant en chef des armées du nord, général des légions Felix, fidèle serviteur du vrai empereur Marc Aurèle. The crowd cheered for him, and Maximus went onto fight in more local tournaments. Sein einziger Sohn Commodus (Joaquin Phönix) erscheint ihm zu wenig mutig und moralisch - er hat stattdessen seinen Feldherrn General Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell Crowe) im Kopf, der soll in Rom wieder für Ruhe sorgen, die diktarorischen Tendenzen beseitigen und dem Senat - also dem Volk - die Macht zurückgeben. Maximus removed his helmet and revealed his true identity. His arrival at his farm was gruesome; he found his family crucified. 13. He buried his wife and son before falling unconscious from exhaustion by their grave side. He was betrayed by Quintus, and was sent to be executed in the woods. Pagan SlaveGladiatorSoldier (formerly) Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Maximus Decimus Meridius, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Maximus Decimus Meridius was a high ranking Roman general in command of multiple Roman legions who served under the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in his Twelve Year Campaign against the barbarians in Germania. Historica Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Gladiator - Mein Name ist Maximus Decimus Meridius - YouTube Maximus Decimus Meridius is a fictional Hispanic-Roman general and the protagonist of the 2000 film Gladiator . Maximus is an accomplished general, and a close friend of the aging emperor Marcus Aurelius. Ave! 12. Maximus Decimus Meridius. 770 likes. Gladiator Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Roman Empire Edizione 20° Anniversario Steelbook 3 dischi contenente il film in versione 4K Ultra HD e in versione Blu-Ray standard + un Bonus Disc con una ricca sezione di contenuti tra cui: Versione cinematografica (155 min.) June 2020. He told him that he wanted him to do him one last favor; when he died, he wanted him to lead the people of Rome and restore the Roman Republic, which had been deposed back in 27 BC. I play both casually and competitively. Hispano-Roman Maximus led the Roman Legions for the Emperor Marcus Aurelius during his wars against Germania. Maximus escaped, but was later enslaved and became a gladiator. Commodus made plans for Maximus to fight Tigris of Gaul for the next game, striving for Maximus to die. Maximus refused to kill Tigris, and spared the Gladiator's life. I play Rome 2 and upload battles, tips and tricks here. Died DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. Juba buried wooden figures of his wife and son with him, swearing to meet him again some day in the afterlife. The greatest general of Rome during the 2nd century AD, he served loyally under Emperor Marcus Aurelius during his campaign against the Germanic tribes at Vindobona (Vienna, Austria). Maximus egy hadvezér volt Róma szolgálatában. Maximus Decimus Meridius is on Facebook. Maximus Decimus Meridius by Sheridan-J on DeviantArt. Browsing Roman Imperial Coins of Maximus. He became a legate under Emperor Marcus Aurelius and showed his military skills as the commander of the Armies of the North and the Felix Legions , and he fought in his campaigns against the Marcomanni and other Germanic tribes during his twelve ⦠Sein einziger Sohn Commodus (Joaquin Phönix) erscheint ihm zu wenig mutig und moralisch - er hat stattdessen seinen Feldherrn General Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell Crowe) im Kopf, der soll in Rom wieder für Ruhe sorgen, die diktarorischen Tendenzen beseitigen und dem Senat - also dem Volk - die Macht zurückgeben. Eventually, Proximo brought him to Rome and gave him his armor, and he told him to win the hearts of the people so that he could gain his freedom. Maximus was captured by a band of drifting thieves while asleep. Maximus was born in Spain, 152 AD. After crossing the desert, Maximus and Juba were taken to a market; where he was sold to Proximo, an old gladiator. He made acquaintance with Juba, a hunter who was also taken to be sold as a slave. 144 Turgalium, Hispania, Roman Empire Cerca qui la traduzione latino-tedesco di maximus decimus meridius nel dizionario PONS! Nickname(s) Sein einziger Sohn Commodus (Joaquin Phönix) erscheint ihm zu wenig mutig und moralisch - er hat stattdessen seinen Feldherrn General Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell Crowe) im Kopf, der soll in Rom wieder für Ruhe sorgen, die diktarorischen Tendenzen beseitigen und dem Senat - also dem Volk - die Macht zurückgeben. Citizenship He passed out, and Maximus was taken by slave traders to the Roman province of Zucchabar, where he was sold to Antonius Proximo. However, he was captured and most of the gladiators killed or captured, and Maximus was forced to fight Commodus in the Colisseum in front of Rome. Commodus ordered him to be arrested, and he also had his wife and son crucified after his wife was ravaged by his men. I am Maximus Decimus Meridius. His wife and son were both murdered by Commodus. Cause of death My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Armor from the final fight in the Movie Gladiator that Russell Crowe wore. He wanted Rome to be a republic again, but Maximus said that he was away from his wife and son for nearly three years. Maximus fought with Juba, Hagen and several other gladiators as "Barbarians" of Carthage in the first game in the arena. Marcus Aurelius wanted him to succeed him and make Rome a republic again, but Marcus was murdered by his son Commodus, who attempted to have him executed. He later served as a Gladiator in the arena after he escaped Commodus. âMy name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Maximus took on the name "Spaniard" and displayed his strength against several Gladiators in many games and arenas. When the Senate condemned Maximinus to death, Maximus ⦠He was envied by Marcus' son Commodus, who was a coward. Movie legend: Russell Crowe as General Maximus Decimus Meridius, based on the emperor's favourite gladiator Macrinus. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. Emperor Commodus arrived to personally congratulate him, and Maximus lifted an arrow behind his hand in preparation to kill him, but Commodus saw the emperor's nephew Lucius Verus arrive as well, so he refused. Quelle phrase à la fin du film dit lucilla pour rendre hommage a maximus ? Religion AD 235-238. Plot. Maximus planned to march on Rome at the head of 5,000 troops, but Commodus ruined the plan by arresting Gracchus, poisoning Senator Gaius, and assaulting Proximo's estate. It was led by a fool from Rome, but once his men saw that he was alive, they would rejoin him. He escaped by killing the executioner and three other men, only to find that Commodus had ordered his wife and son to be brutally murdered. Maximus' first fight was a victory, with him and his tag partner Juba slaying all of the opponents. He was given his figures for prayer, Maximus then asked for Cicero to tell Lucilla he would meet Graccus. Maximus "the Spaniard" Decimus Meridius (144-192) was the commander of the Armies of the North and the Felix Legions under the Roman Empire. Maximus was a Roman Legatus (General) ⦠(TV series) Maximus Musicus, the main character of a musical educational franchise of the same name; Maximus "Max" Zamfirescu, a character in the 1998 movie My Giant; Other He collapsed and died after telling Gracchus to free his men and reinstate the Senate, and Gracchus, Juba, and other gladiators carried him away to be buried. Caesar under his father Maximinus I. Commodus came down from his seat, demanding to know the "Spaniard's" name. He became a legate under Emperor Marcus Aurelius and showed his military skills as the commander of the Armies of the North and the Felix Legions, and he fought in his campaigns against the Marcomanni and other Germanic tribes during his twelve-year campaign. Maximus agreed, and he later reunited with his servant Cicero, who told him that his army waited for him at Ostia. He won all of them, and he gained a reputation for himself. Look it up now! He later avenged his family in the Colosseum of Rome by killing Commodus during the 150 days of games. Quiz Les plus grands héros du cinéma : Vous allez avoir le nom d'un acteur ou d'une actrice ainsi que le nom d'un film ou une image d'un film et vous devrez retrouver le personnage classé parmi les meilleurs héros du cinéma (des années 1930 à 2003).Les trois dernières questions portent sur des films plus récents (qui ne figurent pas dans le classement). Maximus declined and told her to leave, as he wasn't the same man any more. He later served as a Gladiator in the arena after he escaped Commodus. son of a murdered father,husband of a murdered wife :p Following "The Spaniard's" command, the gladiators were successful. Commodus attempted to pass off his death as a natural death in his sleep and asked for Maximus' allegiance, but Maximus passed him by. He eventually killed Commodus, but died shortly after. A Felix (szerencse) légió hadvezére, az északi seregek parancsnoka. He won the crowd as "Maximus the Merciful" which angered Commodus. Maximus Decimus Meridius was a high ranking Roman general in command of multiple Roman legions who served under the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in his Twelve Year Campaign against the barbarians in Germania. After the battle, he was honored by the Emperor for his duty. Join Facebook to connect with Maximus Decimus Meridius and others you may know. Repose en paix ! In AD 180, Hispano-Roman General Maximus Decimus Meridius intends to return to his home after he leads the Roman army to victory against the Germanic tribes near Vindobona on the Limes Germanicus.Emperor Marcus Aurelius tells Maximus that his own son, Commodus, is unfit to rule, and that he wishes Maximus to succeed him, as regent, to help save Rome from corruption and restore ⦠Descrizione. However, his legatus Quintus told his men to sheathe their swords, and Commodus drew a dagger from his gauntlet. Birth name Maximus refused to practice fighting and removed the legion's mark from his shoulder while in captivity.