Jeg er simpelthen bare vild med denne type Verbascum. 1 litre pots verbascum phoeniceum flush of white mullein established plants growing in 1 litre pots they are ready to plant out in the garden now. Flower Colour: White. Aspect: Full or particle sun . Lifecycle: Perennial. Il est distribué d’Europe jusqu’en Asie, présent sur les prairies grasses de moyenne montagne. Verbascum's are a wonderful plant as they don't take up a lot of room in the garden but produce masses of flowers without taking up lots of space on the ground. 60cm. Maximum Height: 60cm-80cm. Verbascum phoeniceum. Lägg i kundvagn. Ce soir je vous présente une plante vivace qui a rejoint le jardin cette année. Image:0455015 - Image de GAP Gardens, photos de jardins et de végétaux Verbascum phoeniceum is a dicot plant that begins with rosette growth in late spring and into summer. Asparagus/Bluszcz/Zielistka Johnsons Seeds: JS - 15057. La période idéale de plantation est de février à avril et de septembre à novembre pour une floraison de mai à août Verbascum's give you the spires and candelabras of a garden – the tall, vertical, and often branched scale, which brings airiness into any plant combination. Cette plante rustique résiste à des températures jusque -15°C. Scrophulariaceae. Sign up. Valeriana officinalis kozłek lekarski. Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' bloeit met cremewitte bloemen. Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' bloeit met cremewitte bloemen.Verlangt een zonnige en warme plek in de tuin.Is tamelijk winterhard maar toch veiliger om een winterdekking te … zzgl. £2.75 Buy. Verbascum phoenicium ‘Violetta’ is a compact perennial verbascum, bearing unusual rich purple blooms, followed by attractive seedheads, that gradually darken to a reddish-black. Species: phoeniceum. 2016 - Verbascum Flush of White est une élégante Molène qui offre tout l'été de belles chandelles de fleurs blanc pur. £2.29 Buy. Plant in alkalische, arme, goed doorlatende grond in de volle zon. Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' Consumer Information. Er zijn ook een aantal vaste soorten, waarvan V. chaixii de meest betrouwbare is. Common Name: Candle wick plant. Pot Size: 2 Litre (16cm Pot) P9 (9cm Pot) … Slut på webblager. Verbascum phoeniceum ‘Flush of White’ (P-1288) Each $8.00. choisissez "Iris" dans le menu déroulant "Genre"choisissez "bleu" dans le menu déroulant "Coloris des fleurs" Verbascum phoeniceum "Flush of White" dziewanna fioletowa. Dziewanna ‘Flush of White’ (Verbascum phoeniceum) Dziewanna ‘Flush of White’ to wieloletnia dziewanna ogrodowa o niewielkich wymaganiach pokarmowych. Plant in alkaline, poor, well-drained soil in full sun. Soil: Well Drained. More… Verbena Sparkles Mixed 2510. Blooms May. The initial lower rosette shows whorled basal leaves with pinnate venation and as growth continues, simple leaves grow in an alternating fashion on the stem. Jej wzniesione, długie kwiatostany tworzą akcenty, które trudno przeoczyć. Cultivation. An einem sonnigen Standort mit durchlässigem, nährstoffreichem Boden erreicht sie gewöhnlich eine Höhe von ca. Rustique et généreuse, elle se ressème … Maar je hoeft niet bang te zijn dat je de tweejarige Toortsen kwijtraakt. Volgende. Flower Colour: Peach. Juin-août. Retour. guaranteed quality from a small cottage industry nursery like me, these crinkly leaved plants A very uniform selection with many base branching stems bearing pure white flowers. Verbascum phoeniceum nejlépe prosperuje na suchých, spíše alkalických, dobře propustných půdách na plném slunci. 1. Verbascum Phoeniceum – Flush of White comes in a 1 litre pot. Verbascum phoeniceum ‘Flush of White’. 1 potted 9cm plant. Plant in well drained soil (neutral-alkaline) in full sun or partial shade . Growth Aspect: Sun. Colour: White Cream. Verbascum 'Flush of White'. 1 m und wird ca. Le Verbascum phoeniceum 'temptress white' 28 Novembre 2014 David Henriet Vivaces. Blooms May. 80cm. ☘️ Divizna brunátná 'Flush of White' - Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' - pohodlně online. Lieferzeit: momentan nicht verfügbar. Verbascum phoeniceum "Violetta" dziewanna fioletowa. Rośliny zielone, ozdobne z liści. • phoeniceum 'Flush of White'. De bekende Toortsen of Koningskaarsen kennen we meestal als tweejarige planten die zich soms massaal uitzaaien. Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White'. Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' - avec photos et info sur la meilleure façon de bouturer, semer, récolter. De bekende Toortsen of Koningskaarsen kennen we meestal als tweejarige planten die zich soms massaal uitzaaien. VERBASCUM - TOORTS -- KONINGSKAARS. May 30, 2016 - Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White', mid May. VERBASCUM phoeniceum 'Flush of White' | Königskerze | White Bride | reinweiß English Name(s): White Mullein. Hardiness: Fully hardy to -12 (H4) Flowering Period: Summer/Autumn . Foliage Colour: Light Green. Critères de sélection Utilisez les critères dans le formulaire en haut de la page pour sélectionner les plantes que vous recherchez. More… Wallflower Monarch Fair Lady 2513. Verbascum phoeniceum Flush of White. Studded with yellow-eyed pure white blooms, slender flowering spikes herald a niveous display anchored by the tidy compact rosette of ripple-edged green foliage. Pinterest. Hardiness: Fully hardy to -12 (H4) Flowering Period: Summer/Autumn . Kwiaty pojawiają się w maju-czerwcu. Seedlings are easily moved … 4,50 EUR. Verbascum phoeniceum ‘Flush of White’ (P-1288) Each $8.00. Plant Type: Perennials. The spires of white flowers are sure to impress throughout summer, they are lovely and airy adding a whimsical feel to the garden. Log in . Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' Name deutsch: Bunte Königskerze 'Flush of White', Garten-Königskerze 'Flush of White' Merken 2,95 € * Produktdetails. Télécharger cette image : La fin de l'été, blanc fleurs et feuillage ornemental de la hardy petit arbre, Aralia elata - PEREW3 depuis la bibliothèque d’Alamy parmi des millions de … Each seed is delivered with a comprehensive information sheet. … Voor een foto overzicht van VERBASCUM klik hier. guaranteed quality from a small cottage industry nursery like me, these crinkly leaved plants Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Narrative Description: Tall, elegant trusses of white flowers which emerge in spring over large green foliage. Pose. Verlangt een zonnige en warme plek in de tuin. 4,50 EUR pro 1,0 Liter Topf. Achetez en ligne cette plante vivace rustique. Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' is a lovely pure-white flowering species of Verbascum, Also marketed as 'White Bride' it is a true perennial which, given an early sowing can flower in the first year. Fjern visne blomsterstande, og du får en lang blomstring, som starter først på sommeren. Alokazje. Height: 0.00 m. Flower Colour: White. Verbascum, or Mullein, combines architectural form with beautiful colouring, and is a magnet for butterflies. OUT OF STOCK. In de herfst is er soms een nabloei te zien. Family: Scrophulariaceae (skrof-yoo-larr-ee-AY-see-ee) Genus: Verbascum (ver-BASK-um) Species: phoeniceum (feen-ih-KEE-um) Cultivar: Flush of White: Category: Alpines and Rock Gardens. Previous Silene hybrid `Sparkling Rose' Next Verbascum phoeniceum `Flush of White' Verbascum `Caribbean Crush' Verbascum `Caribbean Crush' from 7.50. La molène de Phénicie est une plante vivace d’heureuse nature, Seed Catalogue No. Verbascum phoeniceum “Flush of White” Verbascum “Flush of White” Thy til stauder. good against a dark background. It's ideal for growing in a sunny mixed or herbaceous border, and is also suitable for growing in containers Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' Läge: Sol. 60cm. Johnsons Seeds: JS - 14848. Critères de sélection Utilisez les critères dans le formulaire en haut de la page pour sélectionner les plantes que vous recherchez. Verbascum phoeniceum `Flush of White' Verbascum phoeniceum `Flush of White' from 7.50. Nesnáší vlhké jílovité půdy. Soil Type: Chalk, Sand, Loam. This product is currently out of stock and unavailable. A traditional plant back in fashion, this old favourite is well worth returning to. 50. Verbascum phoeniceum " Flush of White " - divizna » Katalog - trvalky, skalničky, bylinky » TRVALKY » Trvalky medonosné, pro včely, čmeláky, motýly. The spikes are formed from a compact cluster of gorgeous pure white saucer-shaped flowers. Kongelys myldrer frem i grøftekanter og i haver, vilde og forædlede sorter, disse vidunderlige spir, som giver højde i haven og som findes i et utal af arter og sorter. Stauden Stade Versand Shop: Verbascum phoeniceum Flush of White (Bunte Königskerze) hier bestellen. An einem sonnigen Standort mit durchlässigem, nährstoffreichem Boden erreicht sie gewöhnlich eine Höhe von ca. Bunte Königskerze. Die Garten-Königskerze 'Flush of White' (Verbascum phoeniceum) ist eine aufrechte, rosettenartige wintergrüne Staude, die von Mai bis Juni weiße, schalenförmige, in Rispen angeordnete Blüten bildet. Plants form a low, ground-hugging rosette of crinkly green leaves, bearing upright stems or spikes of pure white flowers. Grade (other sizes): 25 cm. May 30, 2016 - Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White', mid May. Log in . It’s ideal for growing in a sunny mixed or herbaceous border, and is also suitable for growing in containers. Hoogte 75 cm. Pečlivě balíme a garantujeme OK doručení či výměnu. Moisture: Well-drained Soil: Well Drained. this is a large plant which is despatched 100% healthy. Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' - Phönizische Königskerze. Attired in pure white the slender flowering spikes show off an abundance of frosty yellow-eyed blooms. Botanical Name: Verbascum phoeniceum Flush of White. Verbascum phoeniceum ‘Flush of White’ (P-1288) Each 8.00. Container: 140. Het zijn kortlevende planten maar ze zaaien zich wel rijkelijk uit. 40 … 40 cm breit. VERBASCUM algemeen. 7 % MwSt. shoot is your resource, a gardening diary with tools to help you to design and manage your garden and plants Possible Situation: Ideal as a container plant for the patio or can be used in the border or raised beds. Vorige. Use: Shrub. This evergreen cottage garden favourite is often combined with hollyhocks or delphiniums and a useful addition in borders, Mediterranean or gravel gardens and for exposed coastal planting 1 års växtgaranti. 4,50 EUR. Is tamelijk winterhard maar toch veiliger om een winterdekking te voorzien. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Roślina wykształca rozetę eliptycznych, miękko owłosionych liści. Foliage Colour: Light Green. VERBASCUM phoeniceum 'Flush of White' Previous Product Product 2646 From 2750 Next Product. Maximum Spread: 20cm-30cm. Fri frakt och fri retur. 1 m und wird ca. Verbascum "Clementine" dziewanna ogrodowa. Pinterest. ★ Verbascum phoeniceum flush of white: Add an external link to your content for free. Mon expérience/mes notes: Magnifique plante d'allure champêtre, nombreux épis de fleurs blanches, floraison remontante si l'on prend soin de tailler les fleurs fanées. It looks fantastic planted in borders and containers. PACKETS CONTAIN 50 SEEDS. This illuminated display arises from ripple-edged green foliage which achieves a tidy compact rosette. in das kostenlose Angebot. Preis. Perennials. Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' is a beautiful perennial cultivar with open, pure-white flowers held on metre-tall spires. Johnsons Seeds: JS - 16132. 16-aug-2018 - Paarse toorts | Wit | Mei - Juli | ± 70 cm | Zon | Droog, Normaal | Pot 9 cm | Tot 25% staffelkorting | Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' Soleil à mi-ombre. Multi-buy deal. Attracts bees and butterflies and makes an excellent cut flower! Altière mais gracieuse, elle produit avec régularité des chandeliers fleuris où se serrent des fleurs en coupe blanches à étamines crème, même dans les sols médiocres, ponctuellement secs et calcaires. Hardiness: Hardy. Versandkosten. Lieferzeit: momentan nicht verfügbar. Item No. Image Download (Image Rights) VERBASCUM phoeniceum 'Flush of White' Mullein [White Bride] Print Article Sheet ; recommend; Please login to access Wish List. Kongelys, Purpur- ‘Flush of White’. Per stengel bevinden zich tientallen bloemen! tarifs. 1 m und wird ca. Verbascum phoeniceum, known as Mullein and is a worthwhile perennial, especially for hot sunny sites. Beautiful 60cm high plant with simple spires of pure white flowers. 40 cm breit. 28,50 DKK. Suggested uses. VERBASCUM PHOENICUM. Lighting Conditions: Full Sun. 40 cm breit. Perennial starter 9cm pot. Johnsons Seeds: JS - 10202. Frösår sig lätt.-20% . Le Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' est une délicieuse variété de molène hybride, bien vivace, offrant une longue floraison estivale blanche et candide. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' - Garten-Königskerze 'Flush of White' - 9… bei eBay. Produktinformation. Cottage/Informal, Drought Tolerant, Beds and borders, Gravel, Wildlife. Verbascum phoeniceum, la molène de Phénicie ou Verbascum violet est une plante vivace appartenant à la famille des Scrofulariacées. Prezentowana przez nas odmiana charakteryzuje się pięknymi, śnieżno białymi kwiatami, rozwijającymi się na sztywnych łodyżkach, wyrastających tuż nad rozetą liści na wysokość około 50-60 cm. May 30, 2016 - Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White', mid May. How to Grow Verbascum from Seed. Velmi dobře se pěstuje ze semen, pokud se vyseje v lednu pod sklem, může kvést již v prvním roce. Sign up. Hardiness: $13.99 BUY NOW! • chaixii 'Album Vertakt'. Image:0458470 - Image de GAP Gardens, photos de jardins et de végétaux A simple and delightful variety with spires of purest white in the first year. Verbascum phoenicium ‘Violetta’ is a compact perennial verbascum, bearing unusual rich purple blooms, followed by attractive seedheads, that gradually darken to a reddish-black. ‘Flush of White’s uniform snowy coloration is unusual for a Verbascum, while its smaller stance becomes an added bonus where space is limited. ab Menge. … Aspect: Full or particle sun. J'avais acheté les graines sur internet à l'étranger cet hiver (je ne l'ai pas trouvé en France) et semé au printemps. In ons land komen een tiental inheemse soorten voor, bijna allemaal tweejarig. VERBASCUM. Water Requirements: Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping. A hardy, drought tolerant perennial that produces rosettes of large dark green leaves from which emerge long flower spikes filled with small white flowers. £2.75 Buy. Variety: 'Flush of White' Family Name: Scrophulariaceae. Biennials . Maximum Height: 60cm-80cm. Jun 22, 2013 - Seller of over 2500 varieties of high quality Flower and Vegetable seeds. Genus Verbascum can be annuals, biennials, perennials or subshrubs mostly with hairy leaves and 5-petalled, saucer-shaped flowers Details V. phoeniceum is a rosette-forming biennial or short-lived perennial with dark green basal leaves to 15cm long. An einem sonnigen Standort mit durchlässigem, nährstoffreichem Boden erreicht sie gewöhnlich eine Höhe von ca. Studded with yellow-eyed pure white blooms, slender flowering spikes herald a niveous display anchored by the tidy compact rosette of ripple-edged green foliage. Buy Verbascum phoeniceum 'Violetta' from Sarah Raven: This verbascum gives marvellous towering spires in bud, full flower and as seed heads.

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