A worker cleans the subway before its departure in Akalla, Rinkeby-Kista borough, Stockholm, Sweden, Tuesday, April 28, 2020. In Case of Emergency: Call 1-888-407-4747 (U.S./Canada); +1-202-501-4444 (overseas); or contact the nearest embassy: go.usa.gov/xduQM . Suddenly, the Tak Tak’s top of the episode send-off, “Good health, strong body, clear mind,” starts to make sense when you realize these guys probably knew this was going around the Delta Quadrant. 6 Crowded streets in Stockholm … How much did you want to bet that didn’t come up in the trade negotiations when they talked about the sector? On 26 February, following outbreaks in Italy and in Iran, multiple travel-related clusters appeared in Sweden. Le gouvernement du Canada continue de conseiller à tous les Canadiens d’éviter les voyages non essentiels à l’extérieur du Canada et d ’éviter tout voyage à bord de navires de croisière à l’extérieur du Canada, et ce, jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Not only would the cure not have been deployed to Voyager, but it also wouldn’t have been shared with the Tak Tak, and likely other worlds affected in that sector. They deployed the antigen, the crew recovered, and they continued on their way home in “good health.” So long as we all take meaningful, direct steps to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, our world can and will do the same. The Doctor says that since he’s a hologram he won’t get sick and there is minimal risk to the crew. Nous pourrons donc à nouveau nous déplacer, sans autorisation, y compris entre régions, et passer Noël en famille. You can find her on Twitter @LaurenBusser. L’Angleterre sera en effet à nouveau divisée en différentes zones à partir du 2 décembre, en fonction du niveau de propagation du Covid-19, où les restrictions seront différentes. Le vaccin contre la Covid-19 pourrait bien devenir obligatoire sur les vols internationaux. Science fiction is often a vehicle for what might be, and many shows play with the idea of an illness outbreak sometime during their run. Sélectionnez les activités de votre choix ou explorez la Suède géographiquement. The crew’s directive to seek out new life and new civilizations (while also trying to get home) is all well and good, but had they not sent the Doctor the virus wouldn’t have gotten onto Voyager. It’s an extreme and very compact example, but it still works; and given the difficulty we’re having getting some sectors of the public to take social distancing seriously, perhaps an extreme example is needed. They move so quickly that it only takes a few seconds for the viruses to migrate to the transporter buffer. Europe now accounts for 34 out of every 100 new coronavirus infections worldwide as the global daily tally reached a new high of 400,000. These are the findings of a new study in the journal Nature Communications from Stockholm University. Covid-19 : les règles à respecter pour voyager pendant les vacances de Noël On vous explique On 26 February, following outbreaks in Italy and in Iran, multiple travel-related clusters appeared in Sweden. Sweden's Covid policy appears to have paid off. La Suède impose actuellement des restrictions de voyage, pour en savoir plus, consultez Informations voyageurs - Coronavirus. That’s when you remember the Tak Tak, who show up at the worst possible moment. If we need to hold up an episode to make the case for social distancing this is the one. Health chiefs in Sweden are weighing up new coronavirus restrictions for the city of Stockholm after officials reported "worrying signs of increasing infection". La Suède impose actuellement des restrictions de voyage, pour en savoir plus, consultez Informations voyageurs - Coronavirus.En attendant, trouvez ici l'inspiration pour votre futur voyage - le moment venu. A statement that proves to be very, very wrong. Fortunately, Voyager is a closed system, so as long as crewmembers didn’t leave the ship the virus couldn’t spread throughtout the galaxy. The country of 10 million has seen almost 90,000 coronavirus cases since the start of the pandemic. Toutes les actus Agenda Stockholm. Published on September 22, 2020, 9:11 AM EDT Have a … Star Trek: Voyager — Hazari Bounty Hunters, Star Trek: Voyager — B'Elanna Torres Saves Her Mother's Life, Star Trek: Voyager — Harry Kim is a Guardian Angel. Vous pouvez à tout moment changer vos paramètres liés aux cookies. While they played with the idea of a virus and isolation in the season two episode “Resolutions,” their second foray into the genre is an entirely different animal. En attendant, trouvez ici l'inspiration pour votre futur voyage - le moment venu. There were 814 COVID-19 patients being treated in Stockholm hospitals and geriatric wards on Wednesday, up from 748 last Friday, the region … Avec la seconde vague du Covid-19 qui frappe une grande partie du monde, voyager n'a jamais semblé aussi difficile. Population density figures are approximations based on a range of sources. As seen on Wednesday, taxi driver Panagio Giotta delivers a PCR test to the door, makes sure the person gets it and returns 15 minutes later to collect it. Health chiefs in Sweden are weighing up new coronavirus restrictions for the city of Stockholm after officials reported "worrying signs of increasing infection". Many schools are closed down, and more people are self-isolating and working from home. STOCKHOLM: Stockholm scrambled on Wednesday to curb COVID-19 infections at its nursing homes, reimposing a ban on visits and piloting rapid-result coronavirus testing of staff.. Sweden’s nursing homes, particularly in the capital, were ravaged by the initial wave of the pandemic, prompting Prime Minister Stefan Lofven’s sombre admission in May that the country failed to protect its elderly. Think about what would have happened if the Tak Tak had continued their destruction. Season three’s “Macrocosm,” is a cautionary tale that fits perfectly into COVID-19 and social distancing. Rather, stay inside, limit your movement, and avoid getting infected so that professionals have the time to develop a treatment, while not overwhelming our already fragile healthcare system.. Ok, I want to preface this article by stating that it is entirely anecdotal and based on my experience working as a doctor in the emergency room of one of the big hospitals in Stockholm… Voyager à Noël, pendant les fêtes : ce qui est possible Dès le 15 décembre, le confinement sera remplacé par un couvre-feu de 20h à 6h (sauf pour la nuit du 24 au 25 décembre). " Voyager en Islande. Voir notre politique relative à l’utilisation des cookies. The COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden is part of the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The virus was confirmed to have reached Sweden on 31 January 2020, when a woman returning from Wuhan tested positive. ... Coronavirus COVID-19 : les conseils pour voyager Posté le 18/03/2020. Knowing she’s infected gives Janeway an edge in seeking treatment; the doctor is able to test his antigen and together, they can save the entire crew. Like the disease of ‘Macrocosm,” part of what makes COVID-19 scary is that we can’t see it, we don’t know anything about it, and the only sign we really have that it’s near is when someone is symptomatic. While they played with the idea of a virus and isolation in the season two episode “Resolutions,” their second foray into the genre is an entirely different animal. Même si nous savons pourquoi les aurores boréales apparaissent, elles n'en restent pas moins magiques et mystiques... Une visite en Laponie suédoise vous transportera dans un monde unique combinant de vastes espaces naturels, une culture sami authentique et des spécialités culinaires. The country of 10 million has seen almost 90,000 coronavirus cases since the start of the pandemic. Explorez la Suède à travers le design avec la première exposition mondiale à emporter et utiliser lors de votre séjour. Intensive care unit beds in Stockholm hospitals have hit 99% capacity for the first time during the coronavirus pandemic. Il ne sera pas possible d'aller en Espagne pour les fêtes de fin d'année pour faire du ski ou du tourisme. Sweden has recorded 5470 coronavirus deaths, with almost half of them in Stockholm. Now, the perfect city break awaits. The coronavirus has taken a … It was the Doctor’s hubris in thinking he was immune that ultimately endangered the ship. The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. This episode is not saying, burn down your neighbor’s house if they’re infected with COVID-19. Being a man, having a lower income, having a lower level of education, not being married, and being born abroad in low- or middle-income countries – these are factors that, independent of one another, are related to an elevated risk of dying from COVID-19 in Sweden. 1) Effective March 19, Sweden temporarily banned the entry of all foreign nationals trying to enter Sweden from a country not part of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. The COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden is part of the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The virus was confirmed to have reached Sweden on 31 January 2020, when a woman returning from Wuhan tested positive. There's no place like Stockholm! Le premier ministre suédois Stefan Löfven annonce les nouvelles restrictions pour freiner la propagation du Covid-19, à Stockholm, le 11 novembre. Ultimately, the thing to take away from “Macrocosm” this week is that ultimately, Voyager went back to normal. Fans may remember it as the episode featuring giant viruses that had Janeway walking around in her tank top being a commando badass. By subscribing to the Star Trek newsletter, which may include personalized offers from our advertising partners, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data collection and usage practices outlined in our Privacy Policy. Sweden's Covid policy appears to have paid off. Season three’s “Macrocosm,” is a cautionary tale that fits perfectly into COVID-19 and social distancing. Vous voulez préparer vos vacances en fonction de vos centres d'intérêt ? Médecin à Stockholm, ... consulté les journaux médicaux de 847 patients atteints du Covid-19, dans 98 établissements. Janeway and Neelix are on an away mission with the Tak Tak, and that leaves Chakotay in charge of Voyager, who allows the Doctor to go down to the planet’s surface and aid a group of ill miners. 400 000 km2 de gastronomie raffinée en mode Do It Yourself, Afficher les informations concernant la photo. L’IATA a annoncé cette semaine la création d’un passeport numérique qui pourra indiquer si un passager a été vacciné contre la COVID-19. Ce site web utilise des cookies afin d’améliorer l’expérience utilisateur et d’offrir des fonctionnalités additionnelles. Described as mean and merciless killers, the Kolaati operate... B'Elanna Torres sacrifices her life in order to reclaim her ... Harry Kim learns he's a guardian angel in the Star Trek: Voy... An email will not be created automatically. CBS Entertainment | This site and its contents ® & © 2020 CBS Studios Inc. © 2020 CBS Television Distribution and CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. U.S. Citizen Travelers: Enroll for alerts at step.state.gov . Who could forget the knife vs. tentacle fight? Stefan Lofven said that “we are facing a (COVID-19) situation that risks becoming pitch-black” and added that Sweden “currently is … Ok, I want to preface this article by stating that it is entirely anecdotal and based on my experience working as a doctor in the emergency room of one of the big hospitals in Stockholm… At the peak of the pandemic, in April, Stockholm hospitals were treating more than 1,100 people with Covid-19. Sweden has recorded 5470 coronavirus deaths, with almost half of them in Stockholm. Prévu à partir de janvier 2021, le déploiement des vaccins anti-Covid va sans doute rendre obligatoires pour les voyageurs les applications de santé et accélérer l’adoption du passeport dématérialisé. STOCKHOLM (AP) — Sweden’s prime minister said Wednesday his government will present a law proposal that would ban nationwide the sale of alcohol after 10 p.m. in bars, restaurants and night clubs from Nov. 20 in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. FILE PHOTO: A sign promoting social distancing is pictured in the Gallerian shopping center, as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, in Stockholm, Sweden, May 12, 2020. Marchés de Noël à Stockholm FAQ. La France entame un déconfinement progressif à partir du mardi 15 décembre, a confirmé jeudi Jean Castex. The COVID-19 pandemic affects traveling, accommodation, and other activities in Sweden. For more information, including exceptions to the ban, visit the Swedish government website. It also makes detection more readily available. Now, the perfect city break awaits. Figure 3: Shows the percentage change in the 2020 age-standardised mortality rates for London and Stockholm during the initial outbreak of COVID-19, from what would have been expected based on the five-year average.Data from the ONS. Sweden is to close its upper secondary schools for the first time during the coronavirus pandemic in a bid to put the brakes on its second wave of Covid. She is fascinated by the way humans interact with technology. It’s also not asking that you distrust neighbors to the point of fisticuffs and toiletpaper heists! The coronavirus has taken a … Les frontières islandaises sont restées ouvertes aux autres États de l’UE et de l’espace Schengen tout au long de la pandémie de COVID-19, toutefois l’Islande continue à mettre en œuvre les restrictions existantes imposées par l’espace Schengen. Sweden had shunned lockdown during the first wave of Covid-19 Credit: AFP - Getty Restaurants, bars and shops stayed open in the spring as many countries shut down their economy - … There's no place like Stockholm! Swedish Government Rethinks COVID-19 Containment Strategy While much of Europe locked down to stop the coronavirus from spreading, Sweden relied … However, peel back the layers, and the narrative behind those events has, regretfully, aged well in the time of coronavirus. When the Doctor is transported back up, the organisms are transported along with him. A worker cleans the subway before its departure in Akalla, Rinkeby-Kista borough, Stockholm, Sweden, Tuesday, April 28, 2020. Star Trek: Voyager is no exception. The ban was recently extended to June 15, 2020. In the end, this is a fictional universe, and “Macrocosm” isn’t a perfect real-world example, but the story is a solid one when it comes to living in a global pandemic. We are all essentially waiting for something that cannot see to pass, and since the world is bigger than a starship, it’s going to take longer to run its course. Enter the email address associated with your account and we'll send you a link to reset your password. STOCKHOLM (AP) — Sweden’s prime minister said Wednesday his government will present a law proposal that would ban nationwide the sale of alcohol after 10 p.m. in bars, restaurants and night clubs from Nov. 20 in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. When the Tak Tak stopped their attack, they let Voyager help them solve a problem. The horrendous costs of lockdown. Lauren Busser (she/her) is a writer living in Connecticut and the Associate Editor at Tell-Tale TV. Vous préparez un voyage à Stockholm ? When Janeway is attacked on the bridge there’s no question that she’s come in contact with something that could prove deadly, and she goes to sickbay. Your password must include at least 8 characters with a combination of upper/lower case, number and symbol. From there it infects the bio-neural gel-packs of the ship and eventually the crew. After the pandemic scrapped their income, taxi drivers in Stockholm adapted to the pandemic by taking a front seat in delivering COVID-19 testing kits to people with symptoms. As “Macrocosm” progresses, both Janeway and Neelix are infected by the virus’s tentacles. Published on September 22, 2020, 9:11 AM EDT Have a … However, that doesn’t stop the virus from making its way amongst the crew.