Ces deux dernières nuits, des centaines de personnes ont manifesté dans les rues de plusieurs villes d’Égypte afin de protester contre le régime autoritaire du président Abdelfattah Al-Sissi, rapportent plusieurs médias. Une vidéo tournée en Égypte montrant une jeune femme agressée et sexuellement harcelée par une foule d'hommes, à la veille du jour de l'An, a été déclarée authentique … Génocide de 1994 au Rwanda: trois Rwandais arrêtés en Belgique. Elderly women and men and women protested against schooling and not free education for their children and students went to protest against fees with social distancing. [1], The uprising has been labeled the galabiya uprising due to the protests taking place mostly in rural areas and Upper Egypt where there is less security than in the main squares in big cities. Toute l’actualité sur le sujet Egypte. En 2014, il se fait élire à la tête de l’Égypte avec 96,1% des suffrages, avant d’être réélu en 2018. [2] Among these, 150, including 14 minors according to the Belady Foundation, appeared at State Security institutions and were charged with "belonging to a terrorist organization, spreading false news, and misuse of social media. This video from Giza where protesters shout « the police are thugs »#ارحل_يا_سيسي, Clashes between protesters and #Egypt security forces in Elsaff, Giza#ارحل_يا_سيسي pic.twitter.com/ztz2NJZeVW, Footage is flowing in from across #Egypt of protests taking place. The protests was violent and led to the injury of 2 men in Asyut and Al Khankah. Lors d'une manifestation contre le proposition de loi sur la "securite globale", à Montpellier le 21 novembre 2020. Les manifestations de taille moyenne se multiplient en effet en Égypte depuis plusieurs semaines. The funeral took place the same day. The Egyptian authorities responded with 4300 arrests of protestors and lawyers. The government hasn't contained the protests really until end of October. Ex-proche de Sissi qu’il accuse désormais de corruption, cet homme était à l’origine des manifestations qui se sont déroulées en septembre 2019 en Égypte, lorsque des milliers de manifestants étaient sortis dans les rues pour réclamer du président égyptien. Des manifestations pour exiger le départ du président égyptien Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi ont eu lieu dans la capitale égyptienne et dans d’autres villes d’Egypte vendredi 20 septembre. The 2020 Egyptian protests , also known as the Gallabiya uprising, were decentralised[1] street protests in Egypt that started on 20 September 2020, the anniversary of the 2019 Egyptian protests, calling for Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to resign. [23], Four Warraq Island protestors were arrested in the Warraq Island protest ongoing since 2017. Learn more at Eternal Life in Ancient Egypt at the National Museum of Natural History, and explore related collections from across the Smithsonian. The revolt was sparked by the decision to return lower wages than normal to these special workers. 03/10/2020. Les rares manifestations se heurtent à un usage illégal de la force et à des arrestations massives. [citation needed], Large-scale demonstrations on 26-27 October, scattered across the nation, kicked off[citation needed] after the French president, Emmanuel Macron described the murder of Samuel Paty as "a typical Islamist terrorist attack"[20] and said that Paty "was killed for teaching children freedom of speech". From 12th July till 15 July, thousands across the nation rallied and protested peacefully against the regime and the decision to demolish illegal homes. All against the rule of president @AlsisiOfficial, I’ve noted down at least 16 different protest sites in different governorates. [13] Housing demolotions were another key factor motivating the protests in poor communities, both urban and rural. Mohamed Ali claimed that the numbers of protestors were rising daily. Karim Benzema : un doublé et une passe du dos, Tebboune s’adresse aux Algériens dans un message vidéo, Rapatriement : « Des avions d’Air Algérie rentrent avec des sièges vides », Change : nouveau record historique du dinar face à l’euro. The officer was released after hours of negotiation between police and tribal elders. Cette fois-ci, les autorités égyptiennes ont anticipé les manifestations, déployant une très forte présence policière et faisant usage immédiatement de gaz lacrymogènes et de balles en caoutchouc pour disperser les premiers manifestants. Des manifestations à répétition en Égypte, la place Tahir sous surveillance Publié le 22/09/2020 - 14:32 Le Caire le 4 septembre 2020. There has been no confirmation over deaths and injuries during the peaceful protests. [23], Khaled Ali and other lawyers stated that there was similar confusion to the arrests following the 2019 protests, with difficulty in contacting the detainees' families. Hunger strikes and demonstrations against lack of jobs and unemployment manifestations were held by 4000 civilians at the end of August, worker strikes were witnessed all across Egypt. Au total, les manifestations se sont produites dans seize zones différentes réparties à travers le pays. ... 29 novembre 2020. Le maréchal Sissi a accédé au pouvoir en Égypte après avoir fait un coup au président islamiste élu Mohamed Morsi en 2013. The rallies was dispersed with arrests and massive amount of force by security forces. This page was last edited on 11 December 2020, at 21:07. Tags: AP-Youtube. Mourners chanted against the police and el-Sisi, calling el-Sisi "the enemy of God". Le 12 novembre 2020 à 15h01, modifié le 12 novembre 2020 à 15h09. Nouvelles manifestations anti-Sissi en Egypte. Des manifestants ont été notamment recensés au Caire, à Alexandrie, à Suez ou encore à Gizeh. Clashes were witnessed across Alexandria and in narrow suburbs of Cairo. Massive protests and rallies were held in the middle of April against the price of fuel, eggs, bread, perfume, flowers, bread, rice, corn and bananas and also student and youths protested against the price of cakes, chips, crisps and pancakes and waffles. Rédaction 1744 vues 0 Commentaire. Awais al-Rawi objected verbally about the treatment of his father and the argument escalated. Textile workers and perfume makers went of strike in their hundreds. Londres : des dizaines de … An Egyptian court on Saturday sentenced nine police officers to three years in prison after their conviction for beating to death a street vendor held at a police station. A police officer shot Awais al-Rawi four times using a "side arm", once in the face, killing him. Egypt under President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi has overseen the heaviest crackdown on dissent in the country’s modern history. Ces deux dernières nuits, des centaines de personnes ont manifesté dans les rues de plusieurs villes d’Égypte afin de protester contre le régime autoritaire du président Abdelfattah Al-Sissi, rapportent plusieurs médias. Officials have targeted not only Islamist political opponents but … Baisse dinar algérien : quel est l’impact sur les ménages et les entreprises ? Protest locations on 22 September included Giza, Faiyum, Minya, Luxor and Aswan. [21], Massive general strikes as part of the protests were carried out by farmers and fisherman and factory workers and taxi drivers from 29-30 October. Egyptian protesters shout slogans as they take part in a protest calling for the removal of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Cairo's downtown on Sept. 20, 2019. UMSG presented this as evidence that "enemy media" were careless in verifying the authenticity of their material.[24]. En parallèle, l’opposition égyptienne à l’étranger organise une série d’activités de protestation pour exprimer son soutien et sa solidarité avec le mouvement de protestation en Égypte, et pour exiger le départ de Sissi. Accueil Société Manifestation contre Paul Biya à ... 29 septembre 2020. [18][19], Between 3rd and 6th October, massive demonstrations in governances against the government and poverty rates in the country spread with the injury of one person. Photo d'illustration. Egypte : un mort dans une manifestation anti-Sissi. The 2020 Egyptian protests, also known as the Gallabiya uprising, were decentralised street protests in Egypt that started on 20 September 2020, the anniversary of … [1], Videos posted on social media since September 20 appeared to show several very small demonstrations involving up to several dozen people in different parts of the country. The third wave of demonstrations and manifestations and remonstrations were in September-October. De nouvelles manifestations contre le président Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, accusé de corruption, sont prévues vendredi en Égypte. [18], One protestor in the 25 September protests in al-Blida in Giza Governorate, Sami Wagdy Bashir, was killed, and three others were wounded, according to the human rights group Najda. The first wave of rallies were April-May. Les appels à manifester avaient été également accusés par les médias étatiques affidés au pouvoir égyptien de complot externe visant à faire chuter le gouvernement. Hunger arose in the nation double since the Coronavirus pandemic spread to Egypt so the protests were held. Les manifestations hostiles au président Al-Sissi se multiplient depuis trois jours en Egypte. ... Épidémie de Covid-19 : la maladie repart à la hausse au Maroc et en Egypte. The campaign, supported by Mohamed Ali,[3] called for el-Sisi to step down and for protests on 20 September 2020, the anniversary of the 2019 protests. [1], Mass protests in the Egyptian revolution of 2011 led to the demission of President Hosni Mubarak, the 2012 Egyptian presidential election won by Mohamed Morsi, the 2012–13 Egyptian protests against the Morsi presidency, the 2013 Egyptian coup d'état which overthrew Morsi, the August 2013 Rabaa massacre by the security forces and army led by general Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and an authoritarian government under Sisi, who was elected president with no serious opponents in 2014 and 2018. Coronavirus - Mali : Communique N° 285 du 12 decembre 2020 du Ministere de la Sante et du Developpement Social sur le suivi des actions de prevention et de riposte a la maladie a Coronavirus Depuis son arrivée au pouvoir, il a permis à l’armée de reprendre le pouvoir qu’elle avait relativement perdu après la révolution de 2011, et durcit la répression contre ses opposants. Police raided al-Rawi's home, trying to arrest Awais al-Rawi's younger brother. Workers and disabled people demanded that the government should step up and work on to curb the virus epidemic in the country. Consultez l’ensemble des articles, reportages, directs, photos et vidéos de la rubrique Egypte publiés le mercredi 9 décembre 2020. Protests were lead by released prisoners and pensioners who are hungry. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. These protests were carried out until 23rd October. Strikes and mass protests for 5 days at the beginning of June was witnessed and was severe. In al-Hawarta in Minya Governorate, protestors pushed a police vehicle into a canal. A police officer insulted and slapped al-Rawi's father, who objected to the arrest. The unrest led to a dispersal and then a sudden decrease of food prices. 2 octobre 2020, 10:55 UTC. En visite d'État en France, le président égyptien Abdel Fattah al-Sissi devait se rendre mercredi 9 décembre à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (CIUP), afin de poser la première pierre de la Maison de l’Égypte. Plusieurs vidéos circulant sur les réseaux sociaux ont fait état d’une participation relativement modeste aux manifestations. [16][1] Civil disobedience techniques used by protestors included burning tyres to block roads. Most of the rallies were held in Dishna and Giza. [citation needed] The strike actions and the protest movement were peaceful and sparked by the situation. 22 Sept. 2020 à 11:41. Manifestations en Egypte: "Briser le mur de la peur et du despotisme" ... 2020 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:08. Un hélicoptère des Garde-côtes s’écrase près de Bouharoun. 27 septembre 2020 à 10 h 36 min. Bullets were seen fired at protesters, who threw stones and pelted eggs. The strikes led to the injury of one man. [4], Protests continued on 21 and 22 September. At the end of the month, water protests occurred after the shortage of water. The second wave of rallies were June-August. Mourners kidnapped and beat a police officer. [1], On 23 September 2020, the number of people detained as a result of the protests was estimated as 200 by Middle East Monitor. [3] Protests calling for el-Sisi's resignation also took place in Suez, Kafr El Dawwar, Alexandria, Aswan, and El Qanater El Khayreya. Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms, "One 'killed' in Egypt as protesters demand el-Sisi resign", "Demonstrations in Egypt continue for third day", "Anti-gov't protests in Egypt's Giza amid tight security presence", "Protests against Sisi's rule break out across Egypt", "In rare protests, Egyptians demand President el-Sisi's removal", "Egypt: World leaders must act to stop President al-Sisi's repressive crackdown", "European Parliament resolution on Egypt", "Egypt: Largest wave of mass arrests since President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi came to power", "Writer and activist Alaa Abd El Fattah arrested from police probation", "Alaa Abd El Fattah and his lawyer recount humiliation and beatings in maximum-security prison", "Egypt: Torture of activist Alaa Abdel Fattah illustrates use of extreme brutality to crush dissent", "Online calls for anti-Sisi protests in Egypt may fall flat", "Egypt: Rare protests met with unlawful force and mass arrests", "Egypt braces for fresh anti-Sisi protests", "Egypt: Friday protests demand al-Sisi's departure", https://www.reuters.com/article/us-egypt-politics/several-hundred-arrests-amid-protest-calls-in-egypt-rights-group-idUSKBN26J2QZ, "Egypt police kill Luxor man then shoot mourners at his funeral", "Clashes in Egypt's Luxor after police kill man for defending his father", "Macron speaks of 'existential' fight against terrorism after teacher killed in France", https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2020/11/egypt-protests-by-sudanese-migrants-and-refugees-over-brutal-killing-of-a-child-met-with-violence-and-arrests/, "150 arrested on September 20 anniversary after small, scattered protests", "Sisi, Public Prosecution acknowledge protests after week of silence, 68 minors released", Timeline of insurgency in Egypt (2013–present), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2020_Egyptian_protests&oldid=993668686, Articles to be expanded from December 2020, Articles needing translation from Arabic Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.