Le Nouveau Testament (en grec ancien : Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη / Hê Kainề Diathếkê) est l'ensemble des écrits relatifs à la vie de Jésus et à l'enseignement de ses premiers disciples qui ont été reconnus comme « canoniques » par les autorités chrétiennes au terme d'un processus de plusieurs siècles. As Ehrman notes above, far from being determined by one council and an emperor in 325 AD, the formation of the Christian canon was one of slow development over several centuries. So we can confidently say that your favourite Facebook group are even bigger crackpots. But in Hermas you will not find one passage or any mention of the New Testament, nor in all the rest is any one of the Evangelist named” (Dissertations Upon Irenaeus). 11 also produces mud. As mentioned above, it was Irenaeus who made the first know defence of the four canonical gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – as the oldest and only scriptural ones, and he did so at least partially on the grounds that these four had always been regarded as the earliest and most authoritative. Celui qui tient compte des … Ils ont tué et persécuté de nombreux disciples de l’Évangile. Donald the Clown would be a much less bad president were he more successful striving for these goals. 1:56:47. Your email address will not be published. Consider the Gospel – more articles in English, Al Injil en français – bonne nouvelle pour les musulmans, Lasst uns ueber die Gute Nachricht nachdenken – in Deutsch, Luați în considerare Evanghelia – în română, Consider the Gospel – Good News for Hindus. He gives other texts which he says are “still disputed”; including James, Jude, 2 Peter and 2 and 3 John. There are about five different hypothesis as to who this person may have been, but given the highly generic nature of the name – θεόφιλος, “friend of God”, “beloved by God” – I’d say it’s most likely the author’s way of addressing a hypothetical ideal reader. The "hijack" idea is pseudo historical garbage. See “Dunning-Kruger Effect”. Avant son règne, la plupart des empereurs romains étaient ouvertement hostiles à l’Évangile. Your email address will not be published. Simple – because it’s anti-Christian. So no, they were not written in the second half of the second century. ), Resurrection of the Dead. La Résurrection de Jésus Christ: Histoire à sensation ou fait historique? There is evidence that this idea was beginning to be applied to some of the early Christian writings as well, with references to four definitive gospels being made by Irenaeus in the mid second century and a reference to interpretation of the letters of Paul alongside “the rest of the Scriptures” being made as early as c. 120 AD (see 2Peter 3:16). Mais ceci peut être fait. The key purpose of the Council, however, was the resolution of the Arian Controversy over the status of Jesus as “God the Son” in relation to “God the Father” in the doctrine of the Trinity. It seems that the challenge posed by Marcion and other dissident groups caused the early Christians to determine which books were scriptural and which were not. But it seems fact checking is not high on the priority list of the so-called rationalists over at “Philosophical Atheism”. No. And a quick Google of “Constantine + Bible” turns up a plethora of detailed links debunking the whole idea. 2. But deciding that everything is false, or that truth doesn't matter, is not how normal people think (even if some do). But this request (and another one made to Athanasius of Alexandria around the same time) simply reflects the fact that such an enterprise was so massively expensive that it took Imperial sponsorship to fund it and it seems to be one of many acts of patronage of Christianity by Constantine, not some attempt at establishing a canon of his own. a crypto-Christian, posing as an atheist …. I imagine there are some apostates who were motivated to question their faith by Mythicists, but I’d like to see hard statistics before I believe it’s that influential. Another way of supporting the theory that at least one of the Gospels was written in the second century is by looking at what it actually says. And it continued. Il convoque ainsi un grand concile, en 325, qui se réunit à … Je ne sais pas d’où est-ce que vous avez sorti ces informations et ce faux schéma de la bible moderne qu’on tient à faire croire aux gens, mais c’est archifaux ! However, most Americans (especially atheist Americans), are utterly historically illiterate, and they base conclusions on their historical illiteracy. Marcion decided that there were actually two Gods – the evil one who had misled the Jews and the good one revealed by Jesus. But it is quite clear he was referring to the gospels. Unfortunately Jerome is simply noting that Judith was considered scriptural in that it was referred to in the deliberations of the Council. of recent bishops to the ranks of cardinals in Rome. - AgoraVox … I would also point out that the somewhat shaky alliance between the Church and Rome also made it possible for Bishop Ambrose to condemn Theodosius’s killing of 7000 in 390. This is the basis of the claim that “Constantine and his bishops voted a bunch of works as the Word of God (325 AD)”. C’est l’Église des martyrs, et non l’Église des puissants, qui nous a légué le Nouveau Testament. We do – see above. So the central historical claim in the meme is total and complete garbage, but if that’s so, where did the myth come from? No modern scholar accepts a second century date for the gospels. La découverte des manuscrits de la Mer Morte en 1948 et les années suivantes nous a donné des manuscrits de certains livres de l'Ancien Testament plus anciens de neuf ou dix siècles que les plus anciens manuscrits connus jusque là. Some of it references real events. Arius et Athanase ne sont pas en désaccord sur ce que les documents scripturaires déclarent, et ils ne sont aucunement en désaccord sur les documents qui doivent être « dans » la Bible. Some online detective work by Roger Pearse and others has untangled the story of this anecdote, and it appears Voltaire was working from an appendix to the Jesuit scholar Philippe Labbé’s Sanctissima concilia (1671), which is the “supplement” mentioned in the quote above. Constantin von Tischendorf et d'autres savants ont commencé à étudier sérieusement les apocryphes du Nouveau Testament au 19ème siècle et à produire de nouvelles traductions. I would suggest the following emendation to your translation of Voltaire. The formation of the New Testament canon was a long and drawn out process that began centuries before Constantine and did not conclude until long after he was dead.” (Ehrman, Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code: A Historian Reveals What We Really Know about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Constantine). So it appears to have found its way via its publication by the Lutheran theologian Johannes Pappus (1549-1610) to Philippe Labbé’s appendix and thus to Voltaire. Les éditions modernes du Nouveau Testament que nous possédons proviennent de copies de la Bible faites à l’époque de Constantin, donc datant de l’époque de ces personnes qui ont mis leur sécurité en péril afin de préserver la nouvelle alliance du Seigneur. en vrai philosophe constastin?? To be clear, I don’t believe Constantine created the Bible, nor that Jesus is a mythical person, nor that it took decades after his death for people to believe in the resurrection. I am fine choosing to not care what the Councils said without needing to believe crazy Conspiracy Theories about them. “And I take it that since you didn’t respond directly to my theory about Luke being written in the 2nd century that you either agree with it or think it’s too stupid to even address?”. Theophilus, who lived in the 2nd century, mentions the Gospel of John, and Irenaeus, who wrote a little later, mentions all of the Gospels, and makes numerous quotations from them. The first is a fifth century reference by Jerome in his Prologue to Judith where he notes the Old Testament book of Judith was “found by the Nicene Council to have been counted among the number of the Sacred Scriptures”, which they try to argue means the Council did have some kind of discussion on the make up of the canon. But if the name is all you have, then I won’t bother. Ok, so I’ve done a little bit more research since our last chat and I found this quote “The very names of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, are never mentioned by him [Justin]—do not occur once in all his writings.”. Ignatius of Antioch quotes from gMatt, gLuke and Acts and he died c. 110 AD. Il est vrai que la bible a connu des altérations, cependant l’évangélisation de la parole de vérité sur Dieu a régné parmi les nations. Le Nouveau Testament (en grec ancien : Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη / Hê Kainề Diathếkê) est l'ensemble des écrits relatifs à la vie de Jésus et à l'enseignement de ses premiers disciples qui ont été reconnus comme « canoniques » par les autorités chrétiennes au terme d'un processus de plusieurs siècles. Sad if the validity/credibility of atheism depends on the historicity of one particular guy who lived 2000 years ago. Des célébrations chrétiennes comme Noël le 25 décembre, comment la date de la fête de Pâques est calculée, et une reprise de l’évangile comme étant contre-culturelle et vu avec méfiance par le gouvernement à devenir la norme culturelle de l’Europe en alliance avec le gouvernement, ont tous commencés avec Constantin. L’empereur Néron a commencé cette tendance en 64 après JC , quand il a pris des disciples de l’Évangile du premier siècle, les a attaché et fait plongé dans de l’huile pour ensuite être brûlés vivant comme des torches humaines pour l’éclairage dans son jardin du palais! Alexandria was a important melting pot in that. They are just fanatics who post whatever tickles their emotional and irrational prejudices. Ceci montre bien que l'histoire du Nouveau Testament n'a aucune réalité historique et a été construite et pensée pour répondre à l'Ancien Testament qui n'est lui-même qu'un tissu de légendes. Constantin, César en Occident, avait en effet l'espoir que Galère lui reconnaîtrait ce nouveau titre d'Auguste que Maximien lui a accordé. By 1859, Constantin von Tischendorf had increased that number to 64 uncials, and in 1909 Caspar René Gregory enumerated 161 uncial codices. I wonder if part of the problem with Christianity allying with political power arose in the 7th and 8th centuries where a fear of Islam, which had conquered much of Eastern Rome, drove the Church into throwing its weight behind Charlemagne, crowning him Emperor of what would be later called the Holy Roman Empire. À la fin du Nouveau Testament prennent place l’Épître de Barnabas et du pasteur d’Hermas (apocryphes). “. The Origin of the Myth Just adding my 2c to say I can't wait for the book. So we rely on careful analysis to give us assessments of likelihood. This was before the Church developed the mechanics of penance and confession that turned into a sacrament in later centuries, so a sinner had to undergo this kind of ritualised public atonement in this period. At this stage the "Great Myths" series on this blog may form the basis for its chapters. This understanding led Marcion to put together a canon of Christian Scripture – the first of its kind – which excluded all of the Jewish Scriptures that make up the Old Testament and which included ten of the Epistles of Paul and only one of the gospels: the Gospel of Luke. Un camp (dirigé par Arius) a conclu qu’ils étaient de différentes essences, et l’autre camp (dirigé par Athanase) a tenu qu’ils étaient de la même essence. By that stage a lot of the earlier variants were quite small and many others had ceased to exist. For Marcion, the Jewish God was evil, vengeful, violent and judgemental, while the God of Jesus was quite the opposite. (It is reported in the Supplement of the Council of Nicaea that the Fathers, when they had no idea how to determine which were the questionable or apocryphal books of the Old and New Testament, piled all of them disorderly on an altar; and the books to be rejected fell to the ground.